Continued on – a series of posts that summarises content created on Liako.Biz
You can also read 2008 and 2005 summaries.
December 2007
- Search, email and wikis are the catalysts for innovation: General unstructured tools create niche tools afterward and consequently innovate new ways of doing things
November 2007
- How many people are there on Facebook?: I queried Facebook’s engine to determine how many users they have
- Media post article: baby steps: Link to an article I wrote for Media Post
- Ouch – widgets bypassing Google‚Äôs wall: I look into a widget that poses challenges for security, privacy and metrics
- Pageviews are a misleading metric: Using the example of a MySpace e-mail that’s trying to encourage pageviews, but which I highlight, is manipulating me and is not true engagement
- Facebook‚Äôs privacy is smart on technology but stupid in thought: Social networks are creating a new infrastructure for communications in our world, and it’s relegating e-mail addresses to be a piece of identifiable data which needs to be kept hidden now
October 2007
- How Google reader can finally start making money: I explain how using APML, Google Reader can create a more innovative product
- Explaining APML: what it is & why you want it: An explanation of the open standard APML or Attention Profiling Markup Language
- Bloglines to support APML: I post an announcement of the news that Bloglines now supports APML
- Service Seeking – new aussie eBay for services: By accident I found some news and broke it! A new Aussie startup that provides a marketplace for services
September 2007
- Understand your content: I explain you need different strategies depending on what content you create (data or culture). Data is new (like news) or old (like history). Culture is analysis or entertainment
- Climate change: forget the science, it’s real for the market: An explanation of the new realities of climate change from an economic point of view
- 5 observations of how social networking (online) has changed social networking (offline): I explain the impact social networking websites are having on our lives. Pre-screening of people, dating, making decisions, better understanding of people, shared calendar
- Don’t get the Semantic Web? You will after this: No really, you will or your money back.
- Facebook is doing what Google did: enabling: I make the case that Facebook is having the same impact on the industry as Google. They are building an ecosytem that allows other companies to exist.
- John Hagel – What do you think is the single most important question after everything is connected?: My notes after hearing a brilliant presentation by a very, very smart man.
- Study finds people would not pay for privacy options: Privacy isn’t something people pay for, but something you need to protect as it affects your brand
- Understanding the Facebook poll feature: I tested out the Facebook poll feature as a tool for market research
- Time to do more: A personal note about changes to how I will blog and recognising the Aussie blogosphere
August 2007
- On the future of search: The future will be based on personal searches and the Semantic Web’s impact
- Google: the ultimate ontology: The Semantic Web is big on ontologies and Google through inference can be an interpreter in the future perhaps
- BarCampSydney2: Things I learned at BarCamp as well as a summary on what I presented on
- You need to be persistently adaptable: I made an extensive argument that the key to success is the ability to adapt
- A casual chat with a media industry insider: A family friend is an executive at a major newspaper, so I picked his brain!
July 2007
- Half the problem has been solved with time spent: Time spent is a better measurement method, but in reality, we are not going to see changes until an innovative business comes about in advertising
- Some things will never change: how to create credibility: Branding on the Internet is what makes information credible, just like in the offline world
- Facebook poll: how many friends do you have?: Facebook was promoting their new poll feature, and by chance it was one about the demographics of Facebook. Interesting statistics.
- Citizen journalism is not dead: it’s just a baby still: Citizen journalism needs to tweak its business model to be more of an aggregator
June 2007
- Thoughts on attention, advertising, and a metric to measure both: keep it simple: All these different metrics are ruining the advertising system. Cut out the crap, focus on what matters, and make it simple
- Australia as Silicon Beach: Here I proclaim that I will now call the Australian industry "Silicon Beach"
- Privacy – just like inflation: Privacy is to attention economy what inflation is to the financial economy
- The attention economy needs a consistent base: Without a consistent measurement system, advertising on the Internet will forever be held back
- Tangler: I review the good folks at Tangler, an innovative Australian startup, that are creating a new experience with forums
May 2007
- Faraday Media – Particls: I review the boys that made Particls, who are creating an innovative approach to information consumption
- Pricks: Facebook was forcing me to give up information about myself, and I wasn’t too happy about that
- The Wizards of Oz: I make an observation followed by an announcement that I will attempt to profile Aussie innovation
- Have you tried to implement enterprise blogging?: A very smart-arse posting by me. I was getting frustrated at work due to the cultural challenges of implementing social media at my firm
- Grand thinking requires space, flexibility and time: What the title says, backed by research.
- New measurement systems need a purpose: A metric to measure attention needs a step before that. We need to determine what value we seek to obtain when measuring.
- The power of feedback: Explaining a powerful human motivator that can be used in online communities for engagement
- Aw shucks – my baby is four years old: A quick post recognising that a publication I created at university four years ago is still going
- Study finds 3 out of 10 people don’t use the internet: Plenty of growth to occur still on existing services as that metric becomes 10/10 when the generations move on
- Social networks as the new e-mail: Reflecting on some spam and how social networking sites are the future of e-mail as we have ‘identity’ to filter our communications
April 2007
- Define privacy: what does it mean to you?: A definition of privacy
- A video that explains syndication (for the 80-90% who don’t know): Video on RSS
- How to become the next Google: You will become the next Google by thinking ahead. Don’t copy Google’s market: instead look at how they created such a market.
- People think like two-year-olds: People like to "own" – it’s human nature
- It’s a new media world: Example of how the mass media has now evolved into new media ways
- Patents: more harm than good: Using publicly filed patents, I was able to uncover what a "stealth" startup was building. A look at how patents are a stupid idea.
March 2007
- I’m on the APML workgroup: Announcement that I now am on the workgroup that develops the Attention Profiling Markup Language spec
- A bit of inspiration: An ad by Apple which inspires you to innovate
- The reason for success on social networking sites: Public discussions on MySpace are motivated by increasing status.
- Too many chiefs, not enough Indians: OpenID is getting a lot of press, but not the press it really needs
- My media consumption: A March 2007 insight into my media consumption
- Facebook is #1 for young adults: Stats show 50%+
- Building a (sustainable) business: Web2.0 is full of great "products" but not businesses.
- Biz is back: Yep that’s me, announcing my return to blogging with a nickname an ex used to call me (actually, so was Liako now that I think of it!)